Dear Customers,
Every year, in celebration of Greek Independence Day, a
reputable Greek restaurant is invited from across the United States to
participate in the dinner preparation for the President, Vice President,
and their guests. We are humbled that this year Mykonos Grill and
Nostos Restaurant were selected for this great honor.
Our chefs, Mike Gianniotis and Popi Vrentzos, worked with the
White House chefs for two days preparing the menu. The Maitre D’ and
partner of Mykonos Grill, Angelo Mitsotakis, was instrumental in
coordinating the event and facilitating the buffet.
The celebration at the White House was April 16th and Mykonos
Grill turned 25 on April 20th. What a nice way to celebrate our Silver
Anniversary! Once again, I want to thank you, our loyal customers, for
your support over the years–bringing us to this level of social
With Warm Regards,
Peter Pagonis
P.S. Please excuse the delay; some of the photos had to come through
official channels from the White House.